Can Democrats Legally Swap Biden Out for Another Candidate?

BY GUEST CONTRIBUTORJUN 27, 2024 If Democrats seek to swap out President Joe Biden for another candidate on the Nov. 5 ballot, they’ll face legal challenges, according to an [...]

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CNN Sets Itself on Fire Before Hosting First Presidential Debate

BY GUEST CONTRIBUTORJUN 27, 2024 At a time when CNN should be convincing the nation that it was the best choice for hosting the first debate between Joe Biden [...]

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Trump v. The Deep State. This time it’s serious.

BY KELLYJUN 27, 2024 Democrats consistently underestimate Donald Trump and dismiss him as a political idiot. Now, eight years later, many still think he is the political [...]

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Here at American Liberty PAC we believe it’s time to fix America.Let’s demand more of our politicians. It’s not enough for them to get to Washington on a flood of promises they never keep. ALPAC wants to see results: government accountability, fair taxes, secure borders, decent healthcare, and a return to America’s founding principles. ALPAC stands with those honest and dedicated men and women who are running for office in every county, in every state, who have enough fire in their bellies to take the fight to the Big Government, Washington establishment. Sadly, we don’t have massive resources, big name donors or shady puppeteers, so we are asking great Americans like you to help us in our fight to refocus America on decency, fairness and equality. Please join us in our battle.

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 Paid for by American Liberty PAC.
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American Liberty PAC

American Liberty PAC ALPAC stands with those honest and dedicated men and women — running for office in every county, in every state – with enough fire in their bellies to take the fight to the big government Washington establishment.