Author Archives: Kelly McCarthy

How on Earth did the Government make $2.9 TRILLION Improper Payments???

Last year alone, improper and mistaken federal payments totaled $247 billion. That’s about $20.5 billion [...]

It’s time to let Congress and the President oversee the FISA court and all FISA warrants. Never again.

Special Counsel John Durham has finished his voluminous report outlining the Justice Department, State Department, intelligence agencies [...]

Former Deputy Nat’l Security Adviser: FBI, CIA & DOJ Will Rig 2024 Election

K.T. McFarland, former Deputy National Security Adviser, claims that the “deep state” will rig the [...]

ICYMI: Proud Boys or Feds? These agents provocateurs should be outed!

Recent court documents reveal the Biden Department of Justice admitting to at least 40 undercover [...]

These Sanctuary Cities Regretting Their Decision – Trying To Make Us Pay

Police Stations all across Chicago tonight are overwhelmed with homeless migrants who are continually arriving [...]

Presidential hopeful claims CIA killed his uncle

During an interview on WABC 770 AM’s “Cats Roundtable” with John Catsimatidis, Democratic White House [...]

Congress: Republicans Fight for Seniors Over Unjust Double Tax

Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) announces reintroduction of the Senior Citizens Tax Elimination Act, H.R. 3206. This bill assists middle-class [...]

Biden’s Latest Dim Lightbulb Idea Has Military Fuming

America’s commander in chief just laid another egg. President Joe Biden wants all Pentagon vehicles to [...]

Is Agency Fudging the Data to make Biden Look Good on Key Economic Metric? We think so!

I watch a lot of business TV because every other form of news makes me [...]

Title 42 Ends This Week. Here’s What We Know About Unaccompanied Children Arriving at Southern Border

A 10-year-old girl from Honduras arrived at the southern border unaccompanied by adults. She told [...]