Category Archives: Musings

Is this really the 9th Circuit?

I remember when almost every ruling coming out of the 9th Circuit was terrible.  They [...]

Should Joe Biden pardon Donald Trump?

Soon-to-be-ex Senator Joe Manchin thinks so… 🚨BREAKING NEWS🚨 Senator Joe Manchin has called on President [...]

Some things are just cute…

And we all need a reason to smile with all the crap from the Biden [...]

Ever wonder why MSNBC is tanking?

This is probably the reason — or at least one of them… HAHAHAHA Joy Reid [...]

Trump v. The Deep State. This time it’s serious.

BY KELLYJUN 27, 2024 Democrats consistently underestimate Donald Trump and dismiss him as a political idiot. [...]

The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Chaos

February 14, 2024 by Robert Ringer Men claiming to be women leads to chaos.  Funding wars [...]

What is wrong with him?

I will admit, Trump was not my first choice for President this year.  My wife [...]

Joe Biden’s legacy of disastrous failure comes home to roost for America

By  Kelly Jan 22, 2024 Joe Biden’s presidency started with a series of blunders ranging [...]

He’s gonna get even!

Democrats in the Congress are noted for their often-bizarre behavior and off-the-wall legislation. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [...]

Did you ever notice how the left blames conservatives for things they are already doing?

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow is a joke. Really.  I have to laugh any time I [...]