Category Archives: Musings

The Teflon Biden Family

When Clarence Thomas’ wife texted Mark Meadows that ‘the Biden crime family’ and ‘ballot fraud [...]

Your tax dollars at work!

Ever wonder where the money lifted from your paycheck every week goes? Mostly it doesn’t [...]

Fun with electricity!

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll know I’m not a big fan of the Biden [...]

The level of stupidity is epic…

I kinda get it.  Not everyone is happy with the Dobbs decision overturning the unconstitutional [...]

We so dodged a bullet!

Former U.S. Senator, presidential candidate, Secretary of State and First Lady of the United States, [...]

Memes aren’t news, until they are.

This meme has been circulating for a while now.  It backs up what I’ve been [...]

Clark Griswold was wrong about roundabouts says John Stossel

Hate it when you’re the only car stopped at a light? Roundabouts are a solution [...]

The electric grid can’t handle electric vehicles!

Some people think I’m crazy when I claim that our electric grid can’t handle the [...]

How many White Supremacists are on your Christmas Card list?

According to our current President, it’s likely — or maybe even certain — that you [...]

Is your mailman spying on you?

Mixed in with all the bizarre proposals coming out of Washington these days, you might [...]