Tag Archives: Democrats

Elderly Democrats Say Thousands of Donations to ActBlue Were Made Fraudulently in Their Names

Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue may have raked in millions through fraudulent donations, according to the testimonies of [...]

Congresswoman Sounds Alarm on Fundraising Platform Under Scrutiny for Raking in Millions With Thousands of Tiny Donations

How did fewer than two dozen people give almost $1 million through controversial Democrat fundraising platform [...]

The Road to Tyranny Is Paved with Chaos

February 14, 2024 by Robert Ringer Men claiming to be women leads to chaos.  Funding wars [...]

The evil party

Can you imagine anyone actually thinking this, never mind saying it. It’s pure evil.  Right [...]

Spinnin’ so fast, I’m gettin’ dizzy!

Everybody knows the favorite participation sport in Washington is spinning — taking a kernel of [...]