Category Archives: Commentary

More lies…

I’ve written about this recently, but it just keeps on coming. Democrats push the lie [...]

Hunter’s Dad finally gives the OK.

President Joe Biden finally allows the U.S. Military to shoot down the Chinese spy balloon. [...]

Is this the end of the world? Some people seem to think so.

Ilhan Omar is a radical leftist Congresswoman from the Fifth District of Minnesota. And she [...]

Why do they keep repeating this lie?

Every single time the Democrats run out of stuff to talk about, they dredge up [...]

Different systems of justice — one for us and one for them.

I remember reading a while ago about some guy who owned a convenience store.  The [...]

Racism, racism, racism…

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of everything being blamed on racism. I’m [...]

The Greta Reset and Other Climate News

Exactly zero people are having to flee because of your fraudulent climate crisis. It’s all [...]

Too cold for electrics?

This one is kinda funny.  I keep warning about how electric vehicles would fare in [...]

What is this woman smoking?

I know that cannabis (weed, marijuana, whatever you want to call it) is legal in [...]

Why do we keep letting them lie to us?

I’m a bit of a sceptic.  I don’t really believe anybody in power (except maybe [...]