Category Archives: Musings

Al Sharpton is a piker…

We used to think that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were about as successful as [...]

Soros finally getting his money’s worth

Hungarian gazillionaire George Soros is the single biggest funder of far-left causes in America. He [...]

Should they be rewarded?

Once upon a time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was a much-admired federal law enforcement [...]

Looking in the wrong place

President Biden and his left-wing buddies are dead set (no pun intended) on massive new [...]

This didn’t take long…

James O’Keefe is a hero in my eyes. Over and over, he’s exposed true evil [...]

Should she go to jail?

Jane Fonda has been a big thorn in my side for years. She actively supported [...]

Do they think we’re stupid?

Actually, the answer to that question is Yes! They lie to us, over and over, [...]

Thugs are everywhwere.

I like Steve Forbes.  I’ve been at conferences with him and he’ll stop and talk [...]

Insurrection? I don’t think so…

Branco demolishes Schumer.  As it should be…

Why do we even bother?

Every single time I go to the polls to vote, I’m hoping for change. I’m [...]