Any time you think things can’t get any stranger at the WEF conference in Davos…

They surpass themselves.

The World Economic Forum is a cabal of billionaires and politicians who think they can run the world better than whoever is in charge now.

But when they say run it, they mean every little aspect of it.

Silly ideas like banning wood fires in Canada or forbidding gas stoves in the U.S. have their origin there.

And they are the ones who are bent on depopulating the Earth.  And making the rest of us eat bugs while they dine on steak and caviar.

They have co-opted so many of the world’s politicians that the Davos meeting looks a lot like a meeting of the G-20.

With billionaires thrown in,

But never fear, they now have a witch to cast good spells on them…

And these are the folks who want to run things.