Why EVs Are ‘Piling Up’ at Dealerships, Despite Massive Taxpayer Subsidies

Ford Motor recently announced it is slashing prices on its F-150 Lightning, an electric vehicle the company rolled out in 2021. The Lightning now carries a suggested retail price of $49,995, about $10,000 lower than its previous recommended price tag ($59,974), a reduction the company says is possible because of lower “battery raw material costs […]

Now we know why they needed the guns. Federal Agency Shocks in Armed Raid on Floridian Business

In April, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said it was looking to hire special agents who carry guns and make arrests with jobs available in all 50 states. The law enforcement branch of the IRS, known as the Criminal Investigation (CI) division, was hiring for the role at locations in all 50 states. IRS special agents within the […]

The Real Reason Obama Defended Porn in School Libraries

By Guest Contributor Jul 20, 2023 Former President Barack Obama just came out in favor of porn in schools. Sure, the former president didn’t say that outright. He released a letter lamenting the supposed trend of “banned books” and standing with school librarians as if they were under siege. Obama’s letter rebukes the concerned parents who dare to question […]

Fourth Amendment be damned!

Silly me, I thought the government needed a search warrant to start snooping in my private stuff. Even that corrupt/sham FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court at least pretends to have probable cause before issuing a warrant to shine a spotlight on your life. But that legalese nonsense just gets in the way for the […]

The Government versus the People, Kamala Harris Version

By Guest Contributor Jul 18, 2023 Kamala Harris It is no surprise to libertarians that what is in the interest of the government might not be in the interest of people in general. More often than not, the government’s interest is directly at odds with the interests of people in general. The countless wars waged […]

The DC Favor Factory and the $35 million the IRS has spent on guns and ammo

By Kelly Jul 15, 2023 Adam Andrzejewski, OpenTheBooks CEO/Founder, a man we admire very much, joined Russell Brand’s Stay Free Podcast to discuss the Washington, D.C. favor factory, earmarks, White House Payroll, the militarization of the U.S. federal agencies, and more. He revealed that since 2006, the IRS has spent $35,000,000 guns, ammo and related weaponry, […]