This man has 40 years of experience and has mined all over the world. When he speaks, people should listen. Amazingly, they did. Read this thread. It’s full of staggering facts and statistics. Thank you everyone, this tweet thread has been seen by over 4 million people. I have been contacted by Fox News, Liz […]
I wrote a few days ago (Sauce for the goose… – American Liberty Pac) about equal treatment under the law. Seemingly, nobody in charge listened (not a big surprise). So can somebody tell me why an armed FBI SWAT team raided Trump’s home and threw out his lawyers, who were there to protect his rights, […]
I hate to keep saying this, but the stupidity of some Members of Congress is mindbending. This is one. I can’t even think of anything to say that isn’t gilding the lily. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee has introduced a House Bill to criminalize “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes any criticism of non-white […]
We’re kinda aware that many Democrats — especially those that make their living trashing conservatives — are completely unhinged. This one may take the cake. ‘Republicans are behind it’: Sunny Hostin asks if GOP planted classified docs in Biden’s garage — Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) January 13, 2023 What kind of fevered dream gives […]
🚨 BREAKING → The House just voted to repeal funding for Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents. Every Democrat voted no. Tells you all you need to know. — Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) January 10, 2023 The 87,000 IRS agents will not be repealed by the Senate. The days of impotent message votes designed to fuel reelection […]
The Left loves to talk about “disparate impact”—until it interferes with its narratives. A recently released study found that homicide rates for black men have shot back up to the extremely high levels of the early 1990s. If black lives truly matter, stemming the sudden explosion in violent crime where black men are primarily the […]
My Mom used to say “sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” That translated to my sister and I got like punishments whenever we got into scraps. I kinda like that as a way to say we should all get equal treatment under the law. If I break into your house and steal […]
Turns out that Facebook isn’t just a passive player in the whole “disinformation” game. They actively sought out government employees to get the “official” line on what to allow and disallow in discussions on COVID vaccines. Here’s a major social media company colluding with Biden Administration officials to limit free speech. Clear violation of the […]
Topher Field is an Australian actor, director and activist — and a good friend of ours. And he’s one of the few people who dislikes electric vehicles even more than I do. This video focuses on Australia, but the math and conclusions are the same, just on a different scale. And he has some wild […]
The federal government — and that includes both Democrats and Republicans — want to limit your freedom. In a country built on the idea of individual liberty, that liberty has become inconvenient for those governing us. They want to rule us. They want us to be subjects, not citizens. And they use every little opportunity […]