Massachusetts nutter says “Follow the law!”

It’s kinda hard to take AOC and members of the so-called “Squad” seriously. They say so much that’s just not true.  And Congresswoman Ayana Pressley is one of the worst offenders. This one is a real whopper… Uphold the law and #CancelStudentDebt! ⚡ 📹 @RepPressley — Student Borrower Protection Center (@theSBPC) March 26, 2023 […]

Go woke, go broke: banking edition

Instead of making sure it didn’t take on more debt then it could handle, Silicon Valley Bank was very focussed on non-banking activities, including a recent Pride month. Here is the nearest thing they had to a Risk Assessor. Meet SVB’s board of directors: One is a Hillary Clinton mega-donor who went to a Shinto […]

Crisis at our Southern Border — who is to blame?

Conservatives are quick to blame the Biden Administration — and even President Biden himself — for the flood of illegal aliens, potential terrorists and illegal drugs coming across our Southern Border. But somehow President Biden is firing back and blaming Republicans. But who is really to blame? Biden continues to mask his failures with lies. […]

Al Sharpton is a piker…

We used to think that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson were about as successful as race hustlers could be. The shook down rich folks, corporations and governments for millions.  They were very good at their craft. But they cannot hold a candle to the new generation of race extortionists. The combined forces of Black Lives […]

Watch: Our $$ spewing into Ukraine

It’s the first time that a European country has held the top spot for foreign aid since the Harry S. Truman administration directed vast sums into rebuilding the continent through the Marshall Plan after World War II. Look at this from the Kiel Institute. This is in billions of Euros, which because of chronic mismanagement at our […]

Soros finally getting his money’s worth

Hungarian gazillionaire George Soros is the single biggest funder of far-left causes in America. He has given hundreds of millions — maybe even billions — to various anti-American causes, organizations… …and politicians. And when he ponied up for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, he hit the jackpot. Bragg is the leftist who is currently contemplating […]

Should they be rewarded?

Once upon a time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation was a much-admired federal law enforcement agency.  Kids looked up to G-men.  Adults felt safe while they were on the case. My, how things have changed. The FBI somehow morphed.  Instead of being an incorruptible force for good, they have become the woke guardians of the […]

Looking in the wrong place

President Biden and his left-wing buddies are dead set (no pun intended) on massive new gun control — constitutional or not — to eliminate gun deaths. According to the Gun Violence Archive there were 20,138 gun deaths in 2022 (excluding suicides). That’s a terrible number.  And every constitutional effort should be made to lower that […]