…why this chucklehead is still on the air???? Don Lemon: “Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime. Sorry, when a woman is considered to be in her prime in her 20s, and 30s, and maybe 40s…” Poppy Harlow: “Are you talking about prime for like child bearing?” “Don’t shoot the messenger! I’m just saying what […]
I’ll bet you thought that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution set out an inviolable set of rights for American citizens. At least that’s what I was taught many years ago in school. But that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. The unelected bureaucrats that really run things in Washington have an […]
🚨#BREAKING: Vinyl Chloride, a deadly chemical has “contaminated the Ohio River due to train derailment ⁰⁰📌#EastPalestine | #Ohio ⁰⁰The Ohio River, which serves over 10% of the US Population, has reportedly become contaminated due to chemicals from the East Palestine train… https://t.co/UOvPJvXP3M pic.twitter.com/w2rO0sDqDM — R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) […]
A document dated March 1991 shows that discussions between the West and Russia made it clear that NATO would not expand past East Germany an agreement that it appears to have reneged on. American professor, Jeffrey Sachs on the promise, which was made to Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union,NOT to expand NATO […]
President Joe Biden has gotten into a revisionist history habit. He has repeatedly claimed that he inherited an economic disaster. It was his policies, he alleges, which brought us back from the brink—and Biden is likely to repeat that narrative in his State of the Union address on Tuesday night. The only problem with Biden’s […]
John Kirby, a national security spokesperson for the White House, said the Defense Department was tracking a “high-altitude object” over Alaska at 40,000 feet that posed “a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. Fighter aircraft assigned US Northern Command successfully took down a high altitude object over Alaska at 1:45PM EST Feb 10th over […]
The Biden administration has increased federal government spending by a record $3.4 trillion since January 2021. That includes such signature bills as the American Rescue Plan Act of $1.8 trillion, the Inflation Reduction Act of $50.6 billion, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of $764.9 billion. As well as providing official costings for those bills, the Congressional Budget Office […]
Apparently Joy Reid appears on network TV. I have I have seen her face around and gather she’s what morons call a “celebrity”. From this snippet of a rant I gather she is somewhere to the left of Stalin and possesses the reasoning power of a prune. Her enthusiasm for such banality is contrived and […]
I’ve written about this recently, but it just keeps on coming. Democrats push the lie that Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare whenever they don’t have anything else to beat the opposition with. Now, our President joins the fray. Republicans have literally said multiple times they are not cutting Social Security or […]
President Joe Biden finally allows the U.S. Military to shoot down the Chinese spy balloon. Our government has known about this spy device for a week. It transited the country. And they didn’t bother to tell us about it until some newspaper outed them. What, exactly, are they doing in the White House? Chinese spy […]