Category Archives: Musings

Can you say “Super-Spreader Event?”

Sometimes, it’s hard to believe the nonsense and hypocrisy that envelops our world. Remember how [...]

Environmentally friendly cars…

Balderdash! I’m really, really glad that liberals in America can feel good about driving their [...]

Conspiracy theory or spoiler alert? You decide…

There’s a current theme on the internet claiming that what were once considered conspiracy theories [...]

Does anybody really care?

I know that headline kinda dates me.  It’s from an old Chicago song about time.  [...]

You can’t make this up…

The craziest stuff pretty much always starts in California.  And the real crazy starts in [...]

Electric cars are hot!

Sadly, often too hot… I’m not a big fan of electric vehicles.  I think they [...]

The gift…

I know I keep dissing Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez… …but she really is the gift that [...]

Lower carbon emissions? Not so much…

The big reason for driving electric cars is their lower carbon emissions.  At least that’s [...]

Electric cars are hot!

Sadly, often too hot… I’m not a big fan of electric vehicles.  I think they [...]

Every time we think she can’t get any stupider…

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Queen of saying and doing stupid stuff. From her socialist [...]