Follow the science! (Except when the science doesn’t agree with me!)

Dr. Anthony Fauci is a failure and, most likely, a fraud.  At least that’s my view on it.

He was, until he retired, the highest paid government employee.  And his “side gigs” paid him even more.

And what did we get for all that taxpayer money?  Zero.  Zilch.  Nada!

Unless you call shutting down the economy, condemning us to wearing stupid masks and endangering our kids’ future by closing schools something.

Before he was in charge of our nation’s economic destruction, he was the head honcho working on a cure for AIDS.  How did that work out?

So, even though he’s retired and living off his government-funded fortune, he’s still meddling.

So a big study was done, an analysis of all the other studies, on the efficacy of masks.

And it concludes that the mask nonsense was just that, nonsense.

But is Fauci deterred by this huge study?

Not for a second.  He’s going to stick by this mask thing come hell or high water.

And it the Biden Administration listens to him, we’ll be in face diapers again this winter.