Category Archives: Politics

So, about those Conspiracy Theories?

Looking back at the “conspiracy theories” that were just spoiler alerts we can see just [...]

A slip of the tongue, or the real truth?

We’ve been suspecting this for a while now. Nobody with half a brain really believes [...]

Congressman Schiff is a jerk!

This guy exemplifies everything that’s wrong with the Democrat party.  He’s a first-class leaker, a [...]

Masters of the World!

I’ve written about Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum before. They are evil.  (I [...]

Can anybody tell me…

…why this chucklehead is still on the air????   Don Lemon: “Nikki Haley isn’t in [...]

First Amendment be damned!

I’ll bet you thought that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution set out [...]

More lies…

I’ve written about this recently, but it just keeps on coming. Democrats push the lie [...]

Is this the end of the world? Some people seem to think so.

Ilhan Omar is a radical leftist Congresswoman from the Fifth District of Minnesota. And she [...]

Why do they keep repeating this lie?

Every single time the Democrats run out of stuff to talk about, they dredge up [...]

Different systems of justice — one for us and one for them.

I remember reading a while ago about some guy who owned a convenience store.  The [...]