Will she be the next President?

There’s a significant percentage of the nation that think Michelle Obama, the wife of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, would make a great President.

She has long been a figure of interest and debate. While her popularity among liberals is evident, it is worth examining her public persona from a broader perspective.

The “Lunchroom Politics”

One of the more controversial undertakings by Michelle Obama was her campaign to reform school lunches, aiming to make them healthier. While the intent could be seen as noble, the execution and its effects were less than ideal. Many schools struggled with the new requirements, leading to increased costs and waste. Critics argued that this initiative took away local control from schools and parents, putting it in the hands of the federal government—a recurring criticism of the Obama administration’s policy tendencies.

“For the First Time in My Adult Life, I Am Really Proud of My Country”

One of the quotes that raised eyebrows was Michelle Obama’s statement during the 2008 presidential campaign: “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.” Many conservatives found this comment deeply problematic, questioning how someone could go through adulthood without feeling pride for a nation that offers unprecedented freedom and opportunity.

“We Urge You to Stay Home”

In the era of COVID-19, Michelle Obama took to social media, urging people to stay home to help “flatten the curve.” While it’s crucial to prioritize public health, her comments were seen by some as tone-deaf to the millions of Americans who couldn’t afford to stay home because they had to work to feed their families. The impact of prolonged lockdowns on small businesses and children’s education was a considerable concern for the rest of America.

Gender Politics and Identity

Michelle Obama has often emphasized the importance of breaking down gender barriers. While the goal of gender equality is universal, her approach sometimes leans toward identity politics, which many conservatives find divisive. For instance, she has praised the idea of an “all-female ticket” in politics, something critics argue should not be promoted solely on the basis of gender but rather qualifications and merit.

Demanding a Trump Ban

Michelle Obama demanded that social media companies permanently ban Donald Trump.

What do you think?

Michelle Obama is undoubtedly an influential figure with significant appeal among liberals. However, do we want her (and her husband) running the country?  There are aspects of her ideology and public statements that raise questions and concerns for all Americans — or at least they should.  But it may be that she’s the go-to when Biden finally calls it quits.