Category Archives: Politics

What The WEF Is Planning & How To Resist

Disregard the crypto plug – this a very good review of the World Economic Forum [...]

To Help Biden, FBI Interfered with 2020 Election

As if the FBI’s reputation were not already in tatters, we have yet another bombshell, [...]

TIME Mag: “Omicron Boosters Are Coming, But They Weren’t Tested on People. Here’s What You Need to Know”

That’s a headline from TIME Magazine, the once great magazine that’s now a shill for [...]

Spinnin’ so fast, I’m gettin’ dizzy!

Everybody knows the favorite participation sport in Washington is spinning — taking a kernel of [...]

GOP “All hat and no cattle”

GOP leaders claim to have added Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray [...]

Battleground Melbourne – The Movie That Chronicles the Collapse of Civilization

BATTLEGROUND MELBOURNE It took just two years for Melbourne, Australia, to fall from The World’s [...]

So classy…

Democrat Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA) flips off the Republican dug out. Her team got blown [...]

Proven. Election. Fraud.

With the latest cases of impersonation, registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, bribery, and illegal vote [...]

Why are we selling American AI mil-tech to China?

Researchers combed through more than 66,000 publicly available Peoples Liberation Army purchase records throughout the [...]

James Woods’ Tweet was so on the money they asked famous cartoonist to visualize it!

When whiney liberals melt down over a decision by a Justice of the Supreme Court, [...]