Over 65 million mail-in votes cast. 20% fraud.

A new report claims that nearly 20% of the mail-in ballots cast in the 2020 election were tainted by fraud.

And that’s just the people who admitted it.

20% of 65 million is a whole lotta fraud.  Maybe as many as 13 million.

And when you consider that the winning margin was a bit over 7 million votes, it makes you wonder.

Were all those tainted ballots cast for Biden?  No way to know.  But it makes Donald Trump’s claims that the election was stolen much more credible.

So, what are we to do?

First, stop the foolishness of mail-in ballots.  I’ve voted absentee several times recently due to travel schedules.  I have to request the ballot, prove that it’s me and complete it with a witness.

Nobody mailed me a ballot willy-nilly hoping they got it to the right person.

Second, require photo identification from all voters.  The left likes to claim that’s discriminatory.  I disagree.  Every state offers photo ID free of charge.  All you have to do is go and get it.  And everyone needs it for much more than voting.

Is that too hard?

Democrats seem to think so.