The city by the sea where Tony Bennett left his heart is no more…

San Francisco is…err…used to be… a beautiful city.

Hills and cable cars and San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge and Fisherman’s Warf and the rest made for a great place to visit.

Then woke took over.

California’s generally permissive politics went wild in San Fran.

Homelessness and drug abuse and street crime and shoplifting flourished.

Business did not.

But there was a brief moment when it all cleaned up.

San Francisco hosted a bunch of government bigwigs including the rulers of Communist China.

Even the lefties in San Fran knew they had to clean up their act.

And they did — for a few days.

And then it went back to the mess they have allowed for years.

And if they have their way, they will export this level of filth and disfunction to the rest of America.

Don’t let them!