Are you headed to the reeducation camp?

I’m old enough to remember the Vietnam war and the terrible aftermath.

Despite a signed peace agreement, the communist North Vietnamese quickly invaded South Vietnam and set up a communist government.

Anyone who did not immediately fall in line — and especially anyone who had been the least bit friendly with the departing Americans — was labelled an enemy of the state and sent off to be reeducated and reprogrammed (if not executed outright).

Whether they wanted to or not.

Many of us have suspected for some time that the left in America has the same idea — send us “deplorables’ off to be reeducated.

But there’s only one nutty leftist with the guts to spell it out.

Hillary Clinton.

She thinks Trump supporters are a “cult” and need to be reprogrammed.

I think she’s a fascist.  And I’m so glad we never elected her president.