Will Congress Ignore Latest 2026 Medicare Warning?

The Medicare trustees issued their annual report last week, which outlines the troubled state of the $839 billion Medicare program.  Heads up. The Medicare trustees issued their annual report last week, buried under other “important” news from the Department of Health and Human Services—including the announcement of a new Office of Environmental Justice. Apparently, the administration is more interested […]

How many White Supremacists are on your Christmas Card list?

According to our current President, it’s likely — or maybe even certain — that you and I are White Supremacists. As are most of our friends. Somehow, disagreeing with anything he or the other dunderheads in his Administration say, makes you a Racist and White Supremacist. And the Fake News Media parrot Brandon whenever possible […]

Is Kevin McCarthy Secretly a RINO Never-Trumper?

He talks a good game, but is his heart really with us? I’m not so sure. Is he really a RINO (Republican in Name Only)? Secret recordings just revealed that Minority Leader McCarthy trashed then-President Trump in a phone call with anti-Trump Representative Liz Cheney, Establishment Champion Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republican […]

Film ‘2000 Mules’ Offers Vivid Proof of Voter Fraud

Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary film highlights True the Vote’s discovery that, in five states, about 2,000 “mules” averaged 38 drop-box visits each in the weeks before Election Day 2020. True the Vote estimates that 380,000 ballots were fraudulent Like an incantation at high Mass, Democrats chant their claim that election fraud does not exist. “Vote fraud […]

CDC Needs To Have Its Regulatory Wings Clipped

Few people realize that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was founded in the immediate aftermath of World War II for a limited and very specific purpose – to eradicate malaria. In recent decades, however, the Atlanta-based bureaucracy has become the poster child for regulatory mission creep.   Its huge regulatory wings need […]

Democrats’ ‘Ghost Gun’ Apparition

Gun control measures enacted in recent decades have failed to stop mass shootings. This has baffled Democrats in much the same way a dog chases its tail but never quite catches it. Even the liberal Los Angeles Times appeared exasperated by the latest criminal mass shooting near the state Capitol in Sacramento, lamenting that, while state “lawmakers […]