Category Archives: Commentary

Why won’t the other Arab nations help?

By Kelly Oct 17, 2023 Remember: The Israeli government has repeatedly–AS AN OFFICIAL POLICY POSITION–offered a [...]

Exactly how stupid are they?

Members of the far Left “Squad” are among the dumbest of Members of Congress.  And [...]

Q&A: The Israeli/Palestine Conflict

By  Guest Contributor Oct 13, 2023 Over the weekend, the world was shocked by news [...]

Crazy election stuff going on behind the scenes at America’s Charities

By Kelly Oct 13, 2023 Some crazy stuff is going on behind the scenes at America’s [...]

NBC News says no terror threats!

What are they smoking at Rockefeller Plaza these days? When a nutter terrorist in the [...]

Bill Gates ASTONISHING Climate Announcement

By Kelly Oct 12, 2023 Is the tide turning on climate change? Bill Gates makes the [...]

No Farmers – No Food. Here it is. The Elites plan all along.

By Kelly Oct 12, 2023 In 1991, shortly after the collapse of communism, a globalist think-tank [...]

Hamas leader calls for terrible worldwide action on Friday

By Kelly Oct 11, 2023 Khalid Mashal the leader and founding member of Hamas gave a [...]

U.S. Fiddles As The World Burns

By  Guest Contributor Oct 11, 2023 Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz accomplished his goal last [...]

Your tax dollars are funding the attack on Israel!

When President, Donald Trump cut off funding for the Palestinian Authority after he severed ties [...]