If you weren’t already committed to Biden for President, this should seal the deal!

Joe Biden’s biggest endorsement just came through.

It may well be a game-changer.  Just in which direction is still a mystery.

I don’t know if James Comey was the most corrupt FBI Director in history.  I haven’t studied them all.  But he’s gotta be top three no matter who else is in the race.

And now he’s demanding our vote for Joe Biden as “someone who abides the law and Constitution.”

I don’t think he’s joking.

And maybe he’s forgotten “10% for the Big Guy.”

But not everyone else has…

And, to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure I’d want his endorsement…

He’s a serial liar.  And seems to be proud of it.

Now he’s teaming up with Slippery Joe.

What a pair!