Author Archives: Kelly McCarthy

How many White Supremacists are on your Christmas Card list?

According to our current President, it’s likely — or maybe even certain — that you [...]

How do they think this is all going to work?

I was accused in a rather hot exchange on Facebook of being a shill for [...]

Is your mailman spying on you?

Mixed in with all the bizarre proposals coming out of Washington these days, you might [...]

Is Kevin McCarthy Secretly a RINO Never-Trumper?

He talks a good game, but is his heart really with us? I’m not so [...]

Film ‘2000 Mules’ Offers Vivid Proof of Voter Fraud

Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary film highlights True the Vote’s discovery that, in five states, about 2,000 [...]

CDC Needs To Have Its Regulatory Wings Clipped

Few people realize that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was founded in [...]

Are Electric Cars A Potential Disaster?

Let me paint a hypothetical situation for you — but it’s not all that hypothetical [...]

Remember Taylor Lorenz????

I wrote about her a few weeks ago.  She’s a nasty piece of work who [...]

What a Joke!

This woman, Taylor Lorenz, made her bones trashing kids making TikTok videos.  And she was [...]