Breaking: United States Constitution Bill of Rights ends at the Pacific Ocean!

I love Hawaii.  It’s a beautiful place — albeit a bit far away.  Beaches are wonderful.  Weather is outstanding and the folks I met are extremely nice. But I’m more than a bit concerned that the provisions of the U.S. Constitution don’t seem to apply there. The Hawaiian Supreme Court has just unilaterally decided that […]

Can you multiply 4 x 15? You’re freaking Einstein compared with these college students!

By Kelly Feb 7, 2024 We are so doomed. How can this be possible? Why do we waste our tax dollars on education? Illinois – you need a come to Jesus with your over paid School Boards Not a single student can do math at grade level in 53 Illinois schools. — Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 […]

Who should replace Ronna as next RNC Chair? Our top 3 picks!

By Kelly Feb 7, 2024 Our top three grassroots candidates for the Chair of the Republican National Committee Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC) is resigning after the South Carolina GOP primary on February 24th. The Conservative (and MAGA) grassroots have been pushing for this for a while. These grassroots have several reasons […]

Is Bidenomics working for the Black population?

By Kelly Feb 7, 2024 AF Branco – Black Votes Matter In the United States, the employment market in 2024 is showing a complex and mixed picture. The official US employment numbers were revised several times in 2023, indicating both that the labor market is in a state of flux and the government can’t get its […]

Buried in the McConnell/Schumer Border Bill – The Ultimate Swamp “Stop Trump” clause.

By Kelly Feb 6, 2024 We ran the entire Bill HERE yesterday, and it’s certainly worth a second look. Below, they make a liberal power play by insisting any judicial review occurs in the left-leaning, highly controllable DC District Court. Who knows what backroom deals are going down right now in preparation for a Trump presidency? This […]

CLIMATE SCAM: “They don’t make sense without the tax credit” says Billionaire investor

By Kelly Feb 6, 2024 Another BS policy that moves money from the taxpayer to billionaires and mega corporations and does NOTHING to help the environment. . Documents filed by Xcel Energy for it’s Nobles Wind facility, 134 turbines. The wind turbines lasted 12 years. Cost to decommission $85,533,609. Cost to refurbish $204,000,000. But wait, let […]

Breaking: Trump Trial Updates

By Kelly Feb 6, 2024 So this just happened! A federal appeals panel ruled this morning that Donald Trump can face trial on charges that “he plotted to overturn the results of the 2020 election”, rejecting the former president’s claims that he is immune from prosecution. Looking at the the DC Appeals Court decision it appears to be a cry for […]

155 Democrats voted against this bill to protect seniors from criminal migrants!

By Kelly Feb 2, 2024 155 House Democrats — including Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, House Minority Leader and Leader of the House Democratic Caucus and his top committee leaders —voted AGAINST a bill to deport criminal migrants who steal social security benefits from American seniors. The Bill: H.R. 6678, the Consequences for Social Security Fraud Act H.R. […]