Destroying the Rule of Law in Georgia Looks Like This

By Guest Contributor  – Aug 16, 2023 13 AF Branco – Undeterred The attack on the First Amendment and the very structure of the American legal system by the Star Chamber of Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis is a profound assault on our democratic republic and the rule of law. There’s no other […]

Newt Speaks – Listen. He has a dire warning.

By Kelly Aug 16, 2023 As a former Speaker, Newt is pretty savvy about internal politics. Here he speaks about “the desperate last-ditch effort by a corrupt machine”. A dark dark prediction from one of the wisest political minds in America. Listen to @NewtGingrich — Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) August 16, 2023

The Deep State and its obsession with one man

By Kelly Aug 15, 2023 The definition of Deep State: A deep state is a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorized networks of power operating independently of a state’s political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals. The desperation of the Democrats and their deep state partners to send Trump […]

LOL! California power company threatens what we all feared!

By Kelly Aug 14, 2023 Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)’s CEO Patricia Poppe has finally said out loud what every sensible skeptic had predicted, she plans – one day – to use fully charged electric cars to send excess power back to the grid to prevent blackouts. Breitbart Right now, a few cars like the Ford F-150 […]

Why the United States Lost Its AAA Credit Rating

For the second time in its history, the United States saw its AAA rating on long-term debt downgraded by a credit rating firm. Fitch Ratings said the downgrade of the U.S., which is now rated AA+, “reflects the expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance relative […]

Anti-Trump House J6 Committee did not preserve records

By  Kelly Aug 11, 2023 The January 6 Committee defied a demand last year by incoming Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) that it preserve all of its records, evidence, and transcripts, and has destroyed much of what it collected over more than a year of investigation. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) made that revelation to Fox […]

Seems you like the climate updates… Here are some more.

By Kelly Aug 10, 2023 I have received messages that you like to see the other side of the climate debate. I run a risk of getting throttled by the big email companies or sent straight to spam so I hope this gets through and that you enjoy a break from being bashed over the […]

Election denial is a felony…

…or is it? Democrats — through the offices of the Department of Justice — are pushing to criminalize any and all suggestions that the 2020 or 2022 elections were stolen. According to the leading lights of the Democrat party, Let me be crystal clear: Trump’s presidential bid is driven by an attempt to stay out […]

Central Florida now an ‘endemic location for leprosy’.

By Kelly Aug 7, 2023 Florida, has witnessed an increased incidence of leprosy cases lacking traditional risk factors. Those trends, in addition to decreasing diagnoses in foreign-born persons, contribute to rising evidence that leprosy has become endemic in the southeastern United States. Travel to Florida should be considered when conducting leprosy contact tracing in any state. […]

Ignoring the silly stuff

by Robert Ringer August 7, 2023 i didn’t watch the latest Trump indictment last week, because, quite frankly, I resent the media pretending as though each new Trump indictment is a serious matter. No, Donald Trump is not going to be executed, nor is he going to spend the rest of his life in prison.  […]