Backdoor registration?

The anti-gun left hates the Second Amendment.  They want it to go away. But since that takes an amendment to the Constitution, it’s unlikely to happen any time soon. In the meantime, they’re doing anything they can to restrict our rights.  Ridiculous laws.  More ridiculous lawsuits.  Whatever they can come up with. Nothing worked.  Courts […]

MSM Sits Up When Border Comes To East Coast Elites

The New York Times published a lengthy news story the other day explaining how over 1 million “undocumented immigrants” have been “allowed into the country temporarily after crossing the border during President Biden’s tenure.” For many of those 1 million asylum-seekers—whose cases are at best a “long shot”—many “will have to wait seven years on average before […]

The Latest Jobs Numbers Seem Impressive, Until You Look Closer

The latest Labor Department employment report shows the economy added 315,000 jobs in August, ordinarily a healthy increase and sign of a robust economy. Sadly, the devil is in the details, which shows that the labor market is running on fumes.  The latest Labor Department employment report shows the economy added 315,000 jobs in August, […]

Instead of Letting Elected Representatives Blow Though Taxpayer Dollars, Here’s a Better Path Forward.

The shopping spree is a fun concept. The winner of a game show or sweepstakes gets five minutes to race through a store piling high a shopping cart with all the goodies they can get their hands on. Inevitably, the prizewinner gravitates toward the big-ticket items to get the most bang for someone else’s buck. […]

More Gaslighting: Biden Celebrates Inflation Reduction Act with Increased Inflation

BIDEN: The Inflation Reduction Act “helped reduce inflation at the kitchen table.” Today, the Consumer Price Index report noted that the food index jumped 11.4 percent in the last 12 months, the largest jump since May 1979. — (@townhallcom) September 13, 2022 Not so fast Mr. President Celebrating? Inflation of 8.3% remains near […]

Successful Governor Paints Stark Contrast With Blue States

Florida has become a “refuge of sanity in a world gone mad.” That was the assessment of Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., in remarks Saturday evening at the third National Conservatism Conference in Miami. DeSantis’ speech focused on the core theme of how Florida has become a bastion of liberty—a refuge for those seeking better governance […]

In An About-Face, Credit Card Companies Now Support Gun Control Tracking Program

In the now-distant past, the top priorities for the Democrat Party reflected views held by many middle- and working-class Americans, and included health insurance, higher wages, and support for public education. That once moderate set of priorities has now morphed into an agenda more at home in a European socialist country than middle America. Today’s […]