Another UN Abject Failure. Remind me why we’re members…

MONUSCO needs M23 protection in Goma — Nicole Keza (@RwandaGihanga) July 25, 2022 In 1999, when the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) (MONUSCO) was founded, it was tasked with neutralizing armed groups, reducing the threat posed to state authority, and civilian security space for stabilization activities. Since […]

Ignore the Doublespeak: We’re in a Recession

American families cannot afford what they were purchasing just a year and a half ago. That means a lower standard of living, but don’t expect any sympathy from Biden administration officials. Their focus seems to be on technicalities, not the average American’s cost of living. The latest economic doublespeak from the Biden administration is a […]

Spontaneous combustion?

You may already know that I’m not a big fan of electric vehicles (EV).  And even less of a fan of left-wing governments mandating our purchase of those electric vehicles. We do not have the infrastructure to support widespread use of electric vehicles — we already suffer brownouts and blackouts in parts of the country […]

Here we go again! WHO Boss rules on Monkeypox against advice

Wouldn’t it be more precise to say that Mr Tedros the friend of China declared a World Health Emergency going against the majority committee opinion? The “surge” of cases meantime is from a very low baseline largely confined to one community (16,000 cases with 5 reported deaths). — Mike Yardley (@YardleyShooting) July 24, 2022 […]

“You Will Eat Bugs And Be Happy!”

This Is What A Puppet Looks Like…👇 The Climate Agenda Has Nothing To Do With Saving The Planet… Instead… It Has Everything To Do With Controlling Every Aspect of Your Life… Forever… — Covid-1984 (@Spiro_Ghost) July 24, 2022 “It is self-indulgent to insist on chilly temperatures in the middle of summer,” writes Paul Hockenos […]

Proven. Election. Fraud.

With the latest cases of impersonation, registration fraud, absentee ballot fraud, bribery, and illegal vote trafficking added to The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database, the database now contains 1,365 proven instances of election fraud. These cases demonstrate the wide variety of ways in which bad actors set out to submit fraudulent ballots or steal elections. The database […]

Biden gives $171 Million to His Old Friend and Our Mortal Enemy

A left-wing group linked to billionaire George Soros has won a nearly $172 million federal contract from President Joe Biden’s administration to help young border crossers avoid deportation, a report revealed this week. Fox News’s Adam Shaw and Joe Schoffstall reported on Thursday that the Vera Institute of Justice, with financial ties to Soros who funds a chair […]