Stan Evans

It looks like the GOP might do pretty well in November (but let’s not discount their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory). But let’s go with the current predictions.  Big Republican win! Then what? If history is any teacher.  Then nothing. How many times have we elected Republicans based on their promises […]

Matt Gaetz Demand STUNS Democrats, Befuddles Nadler

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Oversight of the FBI’s Cyber Division, FBI Cyber Division Assistant Director Bryan Vorndran allegedly testified to Congress. After some grueling questioning, Congressman Matt Gaetz got pissed at his non answers and submitted the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop to the official record – stunning Democrats who had no […]

Trump wins!

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is historically the largest gathering of conservative activists in the country.  Started back in the 1970s by the conservative news magazine Human Events, it provides a national platform for conservative causes and candidates.  While it has changed a bit in format since then and acquired a new sponsoring organization, […]


To: The U.S. House and my U.S. Representative WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States prohibits government from taking any action infringing upon our God-given right to keep and bear arms, and WHEREAS under the Constitution’s “full faith and credit” clause, states cannot refuse to honor permits and licenses issued by other states, and WHEREAS […]