Category Archives: Commentary

“Come and Take it” – Texas stands up to Administration

By Kelly Jan 31, 2024 Fears of a standoff and tensions between federal and state units [...]

I sorta trust Elon…

But I absolutely don’t trust anyone else involved in this process… And I really, really [...]

Biden to taxpayers: “Drop Dead”

By  Guest Contributor Jan 30, 2024 President Joe Biden has transformed America’s southern border into a humanitarian [...]

Representative tells home country she’s representing them in Washington – Instantly SLAMMED – by home country

By Kelly Jan 30, 2024 This is an outrageous claim by Ilhan Omar. Last year, George [...]

What is wrong with him?

I will admit, Trump was not my first choice for President this year.  My wife [...]

Sometimes the Babylon Bee…

…isn’t satire. This is one of those cases.  The Bee makes what they think is [...]

Is NPR ‘State-Affiliated Media’? Their Coverage of the Federal Debt Certainly Suggests as Much

Legacy media are no longer shrugging off concerns about the federal debt. But one media crown [...]

As California goes…

So many of the really terrible ideas floating around in our country originate in California. [...]

What Seinfeld Can Teach You about the Government’s Senseless War on Appliances

The federal government’s effort to save the planet by more aggressively regulating our appliances likely [...]

Feds Spent $20 BILLION On Migrant Refugee Assistance

By Guest Contributor Jan 25, 2024 An all-time high in illegal entrants at the border creates [...]