Double whammy on electric cars…

I don’t like electric cars.  I think they are marginally useful if you only drive to the grocery store or pick up the kids after soccer practice.

But if you drive distance they are a huge pain.

And now there’s an even bigger issue.

They don’t like the heat.

That’s right.  Your expensive car, with its $25,000 battery, doesn’t really work well in the heat.

Oh, and then there’s that other issue…

Electric grid.

When the heat goes up, really up, as it has done recently in parts of the country, the electric grid gets overtaxed.  Really overtaxed,  And when every electric car owner is working to charge an overtaxed battery it puts even more pressure on the grid.

But never at a loss for really stupid ideas, the wacko environmental left has a solution:

All to fix an imaginary problem.  Are we really that stupid?