America funding Hamas!

President Biden has decided that America should send $100 Million to Palestine for “humanitarian” aid. We’ve been sending hundreds of millions of dollars there for decades. Has the plight of Palestinian people gotten any better? Nope! That money went into arms, missiles and Swiss bank accounts. Not into food and medical supplies for these people. […]

Biden’s Failures on Economy, Immigration, and Foreign Policy are Driving These Voters Away – What is The GOP Doing? (Hint: Not much)

By  Guest Contributor Oct 20, 2023 President Biden’s failures with young voters goes far beyond the crippling double-digit declines in support he is suffering across battleground states compared to 2020. Democrats are utterly failing to secure loyalty from Gen Z leading into the 2024 election and are facing lower approval ratings from Zoomers than they are from […]

Very sound reasons why America Shouldn’t Resettle Palestinians

By  Kelly Oct 20, 2023 As if they haven’t done enough damage to the U.S. with their open-borders agenda, progressives now call for America to resettle Palestinian “refugees” from the Israel-Hamas war. Americans, including all rational leaders, must strongly and successfully reject this demand. Socialist leaders of the past would be proud of how the […]

Trump Ahead in Four Battleground States Plus this Surprise Group of Voters Turning Against Biden

By  Kelly Oct 18, 2023 New polling from Redfield & Wilton Strategies shows Former President Trump ahead of President Biden in four out of six battleground states, including two he lost by razor-thin margins in the 2020 election. The data also shows Biden losing double-digits compared to 2020 exit polls with one group mainstream pundits seem […]

The Big Lie about Offshore Wind

By Guest Contributor Oct 18, 2023 When it comes to “renewables” wreaking havoc on the environment, wind turbines have stiff competition. For example, over 500,000 square miles of biofuel plantations have already replaced farms and forests to replace a mere 4 percent of transportation fuel. To source raw materials to build “sustainable” batteries, mining operations are […]

No, We Cannot Afford to Fund Yet Another War

By  Kelly Oct 18, 2023 In a 60 Minutes interview over the weekend, host Scott Pelley asked President Joe Biden, “Are the wars in Israel and Ukraine more than the United States can take on at the same time?” The president answered, “We can take care of both of these and still maintain our overall […]

Why won’t the other Arab nations help?

By Kelly Oct 17, 2023 Remember: The Israeli government has repeatedly–AS AN OFFICIAL POLICY POSITION–offered a peaceful two-state solution with the Palestinians. The Palestinian government has–AS AN OFFICIAL POLICY POSITION–rejected such solutions and has AN OFFICIAL POLICY that Israel must be wiped off the map and the Jews exterminated. Also: The top leadership of Hamas, which […]

Guess who’s coming across OUR border?

By Kelly Oct 17, 2023 Illegal aliens on America’s terrorist watchlist are crossing America’s southern border, including at least two from Iran so far this month, authorities say. Since Oct. 1, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has apprehended at least four Iranians at the border who are on the watchlist, officially called the Terrorist Screening Data Base. The number […]

Exactly how stupid are they?

Members of the far Left “Squad” are among the dumbest of Members of Congress.  And that’s not a small group.  I’ve seen some of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard come out of the mouths of our elected representatives.  But the “Squad” members take the Blue Ribbon in stupid.  Bar none. Take Jamal Bowman.  He […]

Q&A: The Israeli/Palestine Conflict

By  Guest Contributor Oct 13, 2023 Over the weekend, the world was shocked by news of the Hamas attack on Israel, with a massacre against partygoers, brutal house-to-house killings and kidnappings, and the deaths of at least 22 Americans. Now the world braces as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declares war against Hamas, vowing “mighty vengeance” for the over 1,300 Israelis killed. As of […]