Crazy election stuff going on behind the scenes at America’s Charities

By Kelly Oct 13, 2023 Some crazy stuff is going on behind the scenes at America’s charities. Even though the IRS forbids charities from getting involved in elections, crafty political operatives have been ignoring those rules to misuse charities to help Democrats win since 2016. Far from being the nonpartisan charitable organizations they claim to be, […]

NBC News says no terror threats!

What are they smoking at Rockefeller Plaza these days? When a nutter terrorist in the Middle East declares a “Day of Rage” we need to pay attention. The United States Congress did: Special security fencing goes up around the Capitol ahead of “Day of Rage.” — Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) October 13, 2023 As of […]

‘THERE WILL BE BLOOD’: Hamas Issues global ‘Unambiguous Call to Arms’

By  Guest Contributor Oct 12, 2023 Hamas issued a “Declaration of General Mobilization” Tuesday in what an expert warned was an “unambiguous call to arms” after Israel declared war following the Hamas’ terrorist incursion Saturday that killed more than 900 Israelis, including beheading babies. “A call to our Palestinian people, the masses of the Arab and Islamic […]

Bill Gates ASTONISHING Climate Announcement

By Kelly Oct 12, 2023 Is the tide turning on climate change? Bill Gates makes the stunning admission that climate change isn’t an existential threat… “There’s a lot of climate exaggeration”, said Gates at a recent event… “The climate is not the end of the planet. So the planet is going to be fine”… and “no temperate […]

No Farmers – No Food. Here it is. The Elites plan all along.

By Kelly Oct 12, 2023 In 1991, shortly after the collapse of communism, a globalist think-tank called the ‘Club of Rome’ released a document titled ‘The First Global Revolution’, in which they declared “global warming” as the new pretext to wage war on humanity, under the guise of “saving the… — Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) […]

Hamas leader calls for terrible worldwide action on Friday

By Kelly Oct 11, 2023 Khalid Mashal the leader and founding member of Hamas gave a speech today asking Muslims all around the world to do the following: To show anger, especially next Friday, in Muslim countries and Also among Muslim diaspora around the world; he called it “the Friday of Al-Aqsa flood”, he said this […]

U.S. Fiddles As The World Burns

By  Guest Contributor Oct 11, 2023 Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz accomplished his goal last week, when his “Motion to Vacate the [Speaker’s] Chair” passed the House of Representatives with unanimous support from Democrats, plus Gaetz and seven of his colleagues who like him appear to have no vision beyond their own egos. In kicking […]

Your tax dollars are funding the attack on Israel!

When President, Donald Trump cut off funding for the Palestinian Authority after he severed ties to them. President Biden reversed that and shipped off millions. Joe Biden overturned Trump policy to give Palestinians $235M in aid — Newsweek (@Newsweek) October 9, 2023 Senator Marsha Blackburn thinks the $6 Billion that Biden released to Iran […]

We are in deep, deep trouble.

War has broken out in the Middle East. It’s something we used to worry about — a lot.  But recently we’ve had a quiet period. And the nutty left has taken that as an opportunity to concentrate their sights on other targets. They have us all focused on the migrant rights, Trans rights, diversity is […]

Morning Again in America?

October 9, 2023 by Robert Ringer Predictably, media pundits from both the left and right have been relentlessly babbling about the “chaos” and negative fallout resulting from the ousting of Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House.  I guess it’s all in the eyes of the beholder, but I see it as a once-in-a-generation opportunity for […]